
An employee’s ability to earn a living is not only their greatest asset, but it’s one they can’t afford to lose. Yet every year, lengthy illnesses keep thousands of Americans from earning a regular paycheck. They lose their homes and everything they’ve worked for . . . simply because they weren’t prepared.

Although Americans lose millions of workdays each year to disabilities, too many of us think, “It will never happen to me.” But it happens more than you think. In fact, 3 out of 10 workers between age 35 and 65 are disabled for 90 days or longer.

They say nothing is sure but death and taxes. But did you know that employees are more likely to become disabled than die during their working career? And if they are disabled and can’t draw an income, it gets hard to pay those taxes, and mortgages, utility bills and so on.

That’s where Group Long Term Disability (LTD), and Group Short Term Disability (STD) plans comes in. They will help replace income lost due to injury or sickness. The bottom line is this: It pays to protect your employees’ income and your business’s profits from the financial setbacks of a disability.

Key Benefits

  • STD and LTD can help protect your employee’s income from the disaster of disability.
  • Disability insurance can protect your company’s profits from the setbacks of a disability.
  • You don’t have to deal with several carriers. We shop the market for you.
  • The enrollment process is handled by us.
  • Can be offered as payroll deduct voluntary product